107. Strong Red Ale
107-A. Double Hoppy Red Ale
Double Hoppy Red Ales are deep amber to dark copper/reddish brown. Chill haze is acceptable. Fruity esters are medium. Hop aroma is high, derived from any variety of hops. Hop flavor is high and balanced with other beer attributes. Hop bitterness is high to very high. Medium to medium-high caramel malt character should be present in flavor and aroma. Low to medium biscuit or toasted characters may also be present. Alcohol content is relatively high. Complex alcohol flavors may be present. Diacetyl if evident should be very low. Body is medium to full.
- Original Gravity (°Plato) : 1.058-1.080 (14.3-19.3 °Plato)
- Apparent Extract/Final Gravity (°Plato) : 1.015-1.024 (3.9-6.1 °Plato)
- Alcohol by Weight (Volume) : 4.9%-6.3% (6.2%-7.9%)
- Bitterness (IBU) : 45-80
- Color SRM (EBC) : 10-17 (20-34 EBC)
- 初期比重 (プラート度):1.058-1.080 (14.3-19.3)
- 最終比重 (プラート度):1.015-1.024 (3.9-6.1)
- アルコール度数 :6.2-7.9% ABV
- ビタネス・ユニット:45-80 IBU
- 色度数:10-17 SRM (20-34 EBC)
107-B. Imperial Red Ale
Imperial Red Ales are deep amber to dark copper/reddish brown. Chill haze is acceptable. Fruity esters are medium. Hop aroma and flavor are high, derived from any variety of hops. Hop flavor is prominent, and balanced with other beer attributes. Hop bitterness is very high. Medium to high caramel malt character is present in aroma and flavor. Very high alcohol is a hallmark of this style. Complex alcohol flavors may be present. Diacetyl if evident should be very low. Body is very full.
- Original Gravity (°Plato) : 1.080-1.100 (19.3-23.9 °Plato)
- Apparent Extract/Final Gravity (°Plato) : 1.020-1.028 (5.1-7.1 °Plato)
- Alcohol by Weight (Volume) : 6.3%-8.4% (7.9%-10.6%)
- Bitterness (IBU) : 55-85
- Color SRM (EBC) : 10-17 (20-34 EBC)
- 初期比重 (プラート度):1.080-1.100 (19.3-23.9)
- 最終比重 (プラート度):1.020-1.028 (5.1-7.1)
- アルコール度数 :7.9-10.6% ABV
- ビタネス・ユニット:55-85 IBU
- 色度数:10-17 SRM (20-34 EBC)