72. Belgian-Style Lambic or Sour Ale



72-A. Belgian-Style Lambic

Belgian Lambics are gold to medium amber. Cloudiness is acceptable. Hop aroma and flavor are not present to very low, and can include cheesy or floral attrubutes. Such character of hop is achieved by using stale and aged hops at low rates. Hop bitterness is very low. Sweet malt character should not be present. Traditionally, Lambic is brewed with unmalted wheat, malted barley, and stale, aged hops. Characteristic horsey, goaty, leathery and phenolic aromas evolved from Brettanomyces yeast are often present at moderate levels. Belgian Lambics are unblended and spontaneously fermented. Some versions are fermented with the addition of cultured yeast and bacteria. High to very high fruity esters are present as well as bacteria or wild yeast-derived sourness. Acetic acid or any type of acidic bacterial character should not be present. Vanillin and other wood-derived flavors should not be present. Carbonation can range from absent to very low. Body is very llight with dry mouthfeel. Lambics originating in the Brussels area of Belgium are often simply called Lambic. Versions of this beer style made outside of the Brussels area cannot be called true Lambics. These versions are said to be "Belgian-Style Lambic" and may be made to resemble many of the beers of true origin. Historically, traditional Lambic is dry and completely attenuated, exhibiting no residual sweetness from malts.

  • Original Gravity (°Plato) : 1.044-1.065 (11.0-15.9 °Plato)
  • Apparent Extract/Final Gravity (°Plato) : 1.000-1.010 (0.0-2.6 °Plato)
  • Alcohol by Weight (Volume) : 4.0%-6.5% (5.0%-8.2%)
  • Bitterness (IBU) : 9-23
  • Color SRM (EBC) : 6-13 (12-26 EBC)



  • 初期比重 (プラート度):1.044-1.065 (11.0-15.9)
  • 最終比重 (プラート度):1.000-1.010 (0.0-2.6)
  • アルコール度数 :5.0-8.2% ABV
  • ビタネス・ユニット:9-23 IBU
  • 色度数:6-13 SRM (12-26 EBC)

72-B. Belgian-Style Gueuze Lambic

Belgian Gueuze Lambics are gold to medium amber. Cloudiness is acceptable, as Gueuze is traditionally bottle conditioned. Hop aroma and flavor are not present to very low, and can include cheesy or floral attrubutes. Such character of hop is achieved by using stale and aged hops at low rates. Hop bitterness is very low. Sweet malt character is not present. Traditionally, Gueuze is brewed with unmalted wheat, malted barley, and stale, aged hops. Old Lambic is blended with newly fermenting young Lambic to create this special style of Lambic. These blended and secondary fermented lambic beers may be very dry and are characterized by intense fruity estery, sour, and acidic flavors. Acetic acid or any type of acidic bacterial character should not be present. Characteristic horsey, goaty, leathery and phenolic aromas evolved from Brettanomyces yeast are often present at moderate levels. Vanillin and other wood-derived flavors should not be present. Carbonation can be medium to high. Diacetyl should not be present. Body is typically very light with dry mouthfeel. Highly complex flavor profile can lend an impression of fullness. Gueuze Lambics originating in the Brussels area of Belgium are often simply called Gueuze Lambic. Versions of this beer style made outside of the Brussels area cannot be called true Gueuze Lambics. These versions are said to be "Belgian-Style Lambic" and may be made to resemble many of the beers of true origin. Historically, traditional Gueuze Lambics are dry and completely attenuated, exhibiting no residual sweetness from malts.

  • Original Gravity (°Plato) : 1.044-1.065 (11.0-15.9 °Plato)
  • Apparent Extract/Final Gravity (°Plato) : 1.000-1.010 (0.0-2.6 °Plato)
  • Alcohol by Weight (Volume) : 4.0%-7.0% (5.0%-8.8%)
  • Bitterness (IBU) : 11-23
  • Color SRM (EBC) : 6-13 (12-26 EBC)



  • 初期比重 (プラート度):1.044-1.065 (11.0-15.9)
  • 最終比重 (プラート度):1.000-1.010 (0.0-2.6)
  • アルコール度数 :5.0-8.8% ABV
  • ビタネス・ユニット:11-23 IBU
  • 色度数:6-13 SRM (12-26 EBC)

72-C. Contemporary Belgian-Style Gueuze Lambic

Contemporary Belgian-Style Gueuze Lambics are gold to very dark. Cloudiness is acceptable, as these beers are bottle conditioned. Hop aroma and flavor are not present to very low, and can include cheesy or floral attrubutes. Such character of hop is achieved by using stale and aged hops at low rates. Hop bitterness is very low. Sweet malt character is not present. Some versions may exhibit attributes typical of specialty malts. While Traditional Gueuze Lambics are dry, Contemporary Gueuze Lambics may have a degree of sweetness contributed by sugars or other sweeteners. Traditionally, Gueuze Lambic is brewed with unmalted wheat, malted barley, and stale or aged hops. Whereas Contemporary Gueuze Lambics may incorporate versatile dark malts that influence the hue, flavor and aroma of the finished beer. Old Lambic is blended with newly fermenting young Lambic to create this special style of Lambic. These blended and secondary fermented Lambic beers are characterized by intense fruity ester, sour, and acidic attributes. Acetic acid or any type of acidic bacterial character should not be present. Characteristic horsey, goaty, leathery and phenolic aromas and flavors derived from Brettanomyces yeast are often present at moderate levels. Some versions may exhibit characters typical of specialty malts. Vanillin and other wood-derived flavors should not be present. Carbonation can be medium to high. Diacetyl should not be present. Body is very light with dry mouthfeel.To allow for accurate judging the brewer must provide additional information about the entry including the type of dark malt(s), sweetener(s) or other ingredients or processes used. Beer entries not accompanied by this information will be at a disadvantage during judging.

  • Original Gravity (°Plato) : 1.044-1.065 (11.0-15.9 °Plato)
  • Apparent Extract/Final Gravity (°Plato) : 1.000-1.010 (0.0-2.6 °Plato)
  • Alcohol by Weight (Volume) : 4.0%-7.0% (5.0%-8.8%)
  • Bitterness (IBU) : 11-23
  • Color SRM (EBC) : 6-40 (12-80 EBC)



  • 初期比重 (プラート度):1.044-1.065 (11.0-15.9)
  • 最終比重 (プラート度):1.000-1.010 (0.0-2.6)
  • アルコール度数 :5.0-8.8% ABV
  • ビタネス・ユニット:11-23 IBU
  • 色度数:6-40 SRM (12-80 EBC)

72-D. Belgian-Style Fruit Lambic

Belgian Fruit Lambics are often influenced by the color of added fruit. Cloudiness is acceptable. Hop aroma and flavor are not present. Hop bitterness is very low. Malt sweetness should not be present. These beers, also known by the names framboise, kriek, peche, cassis, etc., are characterized by fruit aromas and flavors. Characteristic horsey, goaty, leathery and phenolic aromas and flavors derived from Brettanomyces yeast are often present at moderate levels. Cheesy hop character should not be present. Fruit sourness may be an important part of the profile as well as fermented sourness. Sweetness of fruit may be low to high. The Fruit Lambics may be very dry or mildly sweet depending on proportion of sourness to sweetness. Vanillin and other wood-derived flavors should not be present. Body is light to full. Fruit Lambics originating in the Brussels area of Belgium are often simply called Fruit Lambic. Versions of this beer style made outside of the Brussels area are said to be "Belgian-Style Fruit Lambics." The Belgian-style versions are made to resemble many of the beers of true origin.To allow for accurate judging the brewer must provide additional information about the entry including the fruit(s) used in the beer. Beer entries not accompanied by this information will be at a disadvantage during judging.

  • Original Gravity (°Plato) : 1.040-1.072 (10.0-17.5 °Plato)
  • Apparent Extract/Final Gravity (°Plato) : 1.008-1.016 (2.1-4.1 °Plato)
  • Alcohol by Weight (Volume) : 4.0%-7.0% (5.0%-8.8%)
  • Bitterness (IBU) : 10-21
  • Color SRM (EBC) : Color takes on hue of fruit



  • 初期比重 (プラート度):1.040-1.072 (10.0-17.5)
  • 最終比重 (プラート度):1.008-1.016 (2.1-4.1)
  • アルコール度数 :5.0-8.8% ABV
  • ビタネス・ユニット:10-21 IBU
  • 色度数:使用した果実の色により異なる

72-E. Other Belgian-Style Sour Ale

Other Belgian Sour Ales are variable with underlying style, may take on hues from fruit(s), vegetable(s), darker malts or other ingredients. Appearance varies with style. High to very high fruity esters are present as well as bacteria or wild yeast-derived sourness. Hop aroma, flavor and bitterness are widely variable with style. Malt aroma and flavor are typically none to very low. Darker versions may exhibit low to medium-low attributes of darker malt(s), varying with underlying sour ale style. Fermentation Characteristics are evocative of those found in classic Belgian-style sour ale styles. Characteristic horsey, goaty, leathery and phenolic aromas and flavors derived from Brettanomyces yeast are often present at moderate levels. Some versions are fermented with the addition of cultured yeast and bacteria. Vanillin and other wood-derived flavors should not be evident. Body is typically very light with dry mouthfeel due to high degree of attenuation, but may vary somewhat. Attributes from special ingredients such as fruit(s) or vegetable(s) are in harmony with the those from the underlying beer. Beers in this substyle recognize the uniqueness and traditions of beers based on Belgian-style sour ale, but do not adhere to other Belgian-style sour ale categories defined in these guidelines. Beers in this substyle might deviate from Lambic, Fruit Lambic, Classic or Contemporary Gueuze or Oud Bruin substyles, and do not fit any of the other non-Belgian-Style sour beer styles in this guideline. Beers that exhibit distinct characters resulting from wood-aging might be categorized as Wood-aged sour beers or fruited versions thereof. Beers that represent significant departures from any of the Belgian-Style Lambic or Other Belgian-Style Sour Ale might be categorized as American-style sour ales or fruited versions thereof.To allow for accurate judging the brewer must provide additional information about the entry including the style name of classic Belgian sour ale being adopted, the historical or regional tradition of the style, or, the brewer’s interpretation of the style, and the special ingredients or processes if used. Beer entries not accompanied by this information will be at a disadvantage during judging.

  • Original Gravity (°Plato) : Varies with underlying style
  • Apparent Extract/Final Gravity (°Plato) : Varies with underlying style
  • Alcohol by Weight (Volume) : Varies with underlying style
  • Bitterness (IBU) : Varies with underlying style
  • Color SRM (EBC) : Varies with underlying style



  • 初期比重 (プラート度):ベースにしたビアスタイルに基づく
  • 最終比重 (プラート度):ベースにしたビアスタイルに基づく
  • アルコール度数 :ベースにしたビアスタイルに基づく
  • ビタネス・ユニット:ベースにしたビアスタイルに基づく
  • 色度数:ベースにしたビアスタイルに基づく