61. German-Style Sour Ale



61-A. Leipzig-Style Gose

Leipzig Goses are straw to light amber. Appearance is clear to hazy. Yeast derived haze may or may not be present. Leipzig Goses are brewed with salt (table salt) and coriander in low amounts. Hop aroma and flavor are not present. Hop bitterness is not present to low. Malt sweetness and character are not present to very low. These beers typically contain malted barley and unmalted wheat, with some versions also containing oats. Medium to high lactic acid character should be present and expressed as a sharp, refreshing sourness. Carbonation is high to very high. Effervescent. These beers are not excessively aged. All Gose brands brewed with fruit(s), spices (other than salt or coriander), darker malts or other ingredients are categorized as Contemporary-Style Gose. Body is light to medium-light.To allow for accurate judging the brewer must provide additional information about the entry including any special ingredients used, such as grain(s), citrus, salt, coriander or others if used and brewing process used. Beer entries not accompanied by this information will be at a disadvantage during judging.

  • Original Gravity (°Plato) : 1.036-1.056 (9.0-13.8 °Plato)
  • Apparent Extract/Final Gravity (°Plato) : 1.008-1.012 (2.1-3.1 °Plato)
  • Alcohol by Weight (Volume) : 3.5%-4.3% (4.4%-5.4%)
  • Bitterness (IBU) : 5-15
  • Color SRM (EBC) : 2-7 (4-14 EBC)



  • 初期比重 (プラート度):1.036-1.056 (9.0-13.8)
  • 最終比重 (プラート度):1.008-1.012 (2.1-3.1)
  • アルコール度数 :4.4-5.4% ABV
  • ビタネス・ユニット:5-15 IBU
  • 色度数:2-7 SRM (4-14 EBC)

61-B. Traditional Berliner-Style Weisse

Traditional Berliner Weisses are straw to pale, the lightest of all the German wheat beers. Appearance may be hazy or cloudy from yeast or chill haze. Fruity esters are low to medium. Hop aroma and flavor are not present. Hop bitterness is not present to very low. Malt sweetness should not be present. Brettanomyces character may be absent or present at low to medium levels, and if present may be expressed as horsey, goaty, leathery, phenolic, fruity and/or acidic aromas and flavors. The unique combination of yeast and lactic acid bacteria fermentation yields a beer that is acidic and highly attenuated. Carbonation is high. Diacetyl should not be present. Body is very light. Any Berliner Weisse brewed or packaged with fruit, spices, darker malts or other ingredients are categorized as Specialty Berliner Weisse.

  • Original Gravity (°Plato) : 1.028-1.044 (7.1-11.0 °Plato)
  • Apparent Extract/Final Gravity (°Plato) : 1.004-1.006 (1.0-1.6 °Plato)
  • Alcohol by Weight (Volume) : 2.2%-4.0% (2.8%-5.0%)
  • Bitterness (IBU) : 3-6
  • Color SRM (EBC) : 2-4 (4-8 EBC)



  • 初期比重 (プラート度):1.028-1.044 (7.1-11.0)
  • 最終比重 (プラート度):1.004-1.006 (1.0-1.6)
  • アルコール度数 :2.8-5.0% ABV
  • ビタネス・ユニット:3-6 IBU
  • 色度数:2-4 SRM (4-8 EBC)