40. Hoppy Lager
40-A. India Pale Lager
India Pale Lagers are straw to gold. Hop haze is allowable. Chill haze is not acceptable. Fruity esters are absent to medium-low. Hop aroma and flavor are medium to high with characters typical of hops of any origin. This style of beer should exhibit the fresh character of hops. Some versions may be brewed with corn, rice, or other adjunct grains, and may exhibit attributes typical of those adjuncts. Hop bitterness is medium to high, but not harsh. Malt aroma and flavor are very low to medium, exhibiting bready, cracker-like or other characters typical of pale malts. DMS and diacetyl should not be present. Body is medium-light to medium.
- Original Gravity (°Plato) : 1.050-1.065 (12.4-15.9 °Plato)
- Apparent Extract/Final Gravity (°Plato) : 1.007-1.016 (1.8-4.1 °Plato)
- Alcohol by Weight (Volume) : 4.4%-6.3% (5.5%-7.9%)
- Bitterness (IBU) : 30-70
- Color SRM (EBC) : 2.5-6 (5-12 EBC)
- 初期比重 (プラート度):1.050-1.065 (12.4-15.9)
- 最終比重 (プラート度):1.007-1.016 (1.8-4.1)
- アルコール度数 :5.5-7.9% ABV
- ビタネス・ユニット:30-70 IBU
- 色度数:2.5-6 SRM (5-12 EBC)
40-B. Other Hoppy Lager
Other Hoppy Lagers are any color of the underlying beer style. Light hop haze may be present at low temperatures. Fruity esters should not be present. Hop aroma and flavor are medium to high with attributes typical of hop varieties used. Fruit-like attributes arising from dry hopping or higher hopping rates and the use of hop varieties not normally associated with traditional lager beer styles are present. Hop bitterness is medium to high and not harsh. Malt aroma and flavor are low to medium, typical of underlying lager beer style. Diacetyl should not be present. Body is light to medium, in alignment with base beer style. Recognizing the uniqueness, variety and experimentation within formerly traditional lager beer styles, beers entered in this substyle do not fit existing lager beer style guidelines but instead exhibit hop aroma and flavor attributes which differ from, and at higher levels than, those found in lager styles defined elsewhere throughout these guidelines. Examples might include beers made with aroma hop varieties not normally associated with traditional lager beer styles and which exhibit attributes (e.g. tropical, stone fruit, pine, etc.) unusual to those styles. Hop aroma, flavor and bitterness are in harmony and balance with alcohol, malt and other attributes of the entry. Beers with alcohol content and flavor profile typical of India Pale Lager are categorized as India Pale Lager.To allow for accurate judging the brewer must provide additional information about the entry including the classic lager style of underlying base beer, hop varieties used and when introduced in the brewing process (for example: 'American Lager dry hopped with nelson sauvin during fermentation'). Beer entries not accompanied by this information will be at a disadvantage during judging.
- Original Gravity (°Plato) : Varies with underlying style
- Apparent Extract/Final Gravity (°Plato) : Varies with underlying style
- Alcohol by Weight (Volume) : Varies with underlying style
- Bitterness (IBU) : Varies with underlying style
- Color SRM (EBC) : Varies with underlying style
- 初期比重 (プラート度):ベースにしたビアスタイルに基づく
- 最終比重 (プラート度):ベースにしたビアスタイルに基づく
- アルコール度数 :ベースにしたビアスタイルに基づく
- ビタネス・ユニット:ベースにしたビアスタイルに基づく
- 色度数:ベースにしたビアスタイルに基づく