36. Kellerbier or Zwickelbier



36-A. Unfiltered European-Style Ale

Unfiltered European-Style Ales are the color of the underlying ale styles of European origin. These can include Kölsch, Düsseldolfer Alt, as well as less common traditional or contemporary European-origin ale styles. Appearance can be slightly hazy to moderately cloudy. A small amount of yeast haze is acceptable and traditional. These beers must be unfiltered but may become clear with age. Head retention may not be optimal. Fruity esters may vary slightly from the underlying styles due to age and presence of yeast. Hop aroma and flavor may vary depending on underlying style. Low level attributes typical of late or dry hopping may be present in some versions. Hop bitterness varies with underlying style. Malt aroma and flavor may vary depending on the underlying style. These unfiltered beers are packaged and served with very low to moderate amounts of yeast. Low to medium yeast aroma and flavor is desirable. Contemporary versions may be filtered and dosed with yeast during packaging. Very low to moderately low levels of sulfur should be apparent. Low levels of acetaldehyde or other volatiles, normally reduced during lagering, may or may not be apparent. The presence of sulfur and acetaldehyde should enhance the flavor of these beers. Body is variable with underlying style. Beers containing non-standard ingredients or aged in flavor-imparting vessels should be categorized elsewhere.To allow for accurate judging the brewer must provide additional information about the entry including the style of classic or contemporary European-origin ale. During registration brewer may specify pouring instructions, choosing normal pouring, quiet pouring or intentional rousing of yeast. Entries will be presented during judging as specified by entering brewer. Beer entries not accompanied by this information will be at a disadvantage during judging.

  • Original Gravity (°Plato) : Varies with underlying style
  • Apparent Extract/Final Gravity (°Plato) : Varies with underlying style
  • Alcohol by Weight (Volume) : Varies with underlying style
  • Bitterness (IBU) : Varies with underlying style
  • Color SRM (EBC) : Varies with underlying style



  • 初期比重 (プラート度):ベースにしたビアスタイルに基づく
  • 最終比重 (プラート度):ベースにしたビアスタイルに基づく
  • アルコール度数 :ベースにしたビアスタイルに基づく
  • ビタネス・ユニット:ベースにしたビアスタイルに基づく
  • 色度数:ベースにしたビアスタイルに基づく

36-B. Unfiltered European-Style Lager

Unfiltered European-Style Lagers are the color of the underlying lager styles of European origin. These can include Münchner-Style Helles, Dunkel, Dortmunder/Export, Bohemian Pilsener, German Pilsener, Bock, as well as less common traditional or contemporary European-origin lager styles. Appearance can be slightly hazy to moderately cloudy. A small amount of yeast haze is acceptable and traditional. These beers must be unfiltered but may become clear with age. Head retention may not be optimal. Hop aroma and flavor may vary depending on underlying style. Low level attributes typical of late or dry hopping may be present in some versions. Hop bitterness varies with underlying style. Malt aroma and flavor may vary depending on the underlying style. These unfiltered beers are packaged and served with very low to moderate amounts of yeast. Low to medium yeast aroma and flavor is desirable. Contemporary versions may be filtered and dosed with yeast during packaging. Very low to moderately low levels of sulfur should be apparent. Low levels of acetaldehyde or other volatiles, normally reduced during lagering, may or may not be apparent. The presence of sulfur and acetaldehyde should enhance the flavor of these beers. Body is variable with underlying style. Beers containing non-standard ingredients or aged in flavor-imparting vessels should be categorized elsewhere.To allow for accurate judging the brewer must provide additional information about the entry including the style of classic or contemporary European-origin lager. During registration brewer may specify pouring instructions, choosing normal pouring, quiet pouring or intentional rousing of yeast. Entries will be presented during judging as specified by entering brewer. Beer entries not accompanied by this information will be at a disadvantage during judging.

  • Original Gravity (°Plato) : Varies with underlying style
  • Apparent Extract/Final Gravity (°Plato) : Varies with underlying style
  • Alcohol by Weight (Volume) : Varies with underlying style
  • Bitterness (IBU) : Varies with underlying style
  • Color SRM (EBC) : Varies with underlying style



  • 初期比重 (プラート度):ベースにしたビアスタイルに基づく
  • 最終比重 (プラート度):ベースにしたビアスタイルに基づく
  • アルコール度数 :ベースにしたビアスタイルに基づく
  • ビタネス・ユニット:ベースにしたビアスタイルに基づく
  • 色度数:ベースにしたビアスタイルに基づく