91. Export Stout
Export Stouts are black and opaque. Head retention should be persistent. Fruity esters are low. Hop aroma and flavor should not be present. Hop bitterness may be analytically high, but the perception is lessened by malt sweetness. Coffee-like roasted barley and roasted malt aromas are prominent. Initial malt and light caramel flavor profile give way to a distinctive dry-roasted bitterness in the finish. Diacetyl if evident should be very low. Slight acidity is acceptable. Body is medium to full.
- Original Gravity (°Plato) : 1.052-1.072 (12.9-17.5 °Plato)
- Apparent Extract/Final Gravity (°Plato) : 1.008-1.020 (2.1-5.1 °Plato)
- Alcohol by Weight (Volume) : 4.5%-6.4% (5.7%-8.0%)
- Bitterness (IBU) : 30-60
- Color SRM (EBC) : 40+ (80+ EBC)
- 初期比重 (プラート度):1.052-1.072 (12.9-17.5)
- 最終比重 (プラート度):1.008-1.020 (2.1-5.1)
- アルコール度数 :5.7-8.0% ABV
- ビタネス・ユニット:30-60 IBU
- 色度数:40+ SRM (80+ EBC)