43. Bohemian-Style Pilsener

Bohemian Pilseners are straw to gold. Appearance should be clear. Chill haze is not acceptable. Its head should be dense. Fruity esters should not be present. Hop aroma and flavor are medium-low to medium, derived from late kettle hopping with noble-type hops. Hop bitterness is medium. A slightly sweet and toasted, biscuity, bready malt aroma and flavor is present. Very low diacetyl is characteristic of this style and may accent malt character. DMS should not be present. Body is medium.

  • Original Gravity (°Plato) : 1.044-1.056 (11.0-13.8 °Plato)
  • Apparent Extract/Final Gravity (°Plato) : 1.014-1.018 (3.6-4.6 °Plato)
  • Alcohol by Weight (Volume) : 3.2%-4.0% (4.0%-5.0%)
  • Bitterness (IBU) : 30-45
  • Color SRM (EBC) : 3-6 (6-12 EBC)



  • 初期比重 (プラート度):1.044-1.056 (11.0-13.8)
  • 最終比重 (プラート度):1.014-1.018 (3.6-4.6)
  • アルコール度数 :4.0-5.0% ABV
  • ビタネス・ユニット:30-45 IBU
  • 色度数:3-6 SRM (6-12 EBC)