26. American-Belgo-Style Ale

American-Belgo Ales are gold to black depending on underlying beer style. Clarity is variable with underlying style. Fruity esters are medium to high. Belgian yeast characters such as banana, berry, apple, coriander, spice and/or smoky-phenolic should be in balance with malt and hops. Hop aroma and flavor are medium to very high, exhibiting American type hop aromas not usually found in traditional Belgian styles. Hop bitterness is medium to high. Malt aroma and flavor are low. Perception of specialty or roasted malts or barley can be very low to robust in darker versions. Diacetyl if evident should be very low. Sulfur-like yeast character should not be present. Brettanomyces character should not be present. American-Belgo-Style Ales are either 1) non-Belgian beer types portraying the unique characters imparted by yeasts typically used in big, fruity Belgian-style ales, or 2) defined Belgian-style beers displaying the hallmark attributes typical of American variety hops. These beers are unique unto themselves. Body is medium-light to medium.To allow for accurate judging the brewer must provide additional information about the entry including the beer style of underlying base beer, American hop variety(ies) used, and type of Belgian yeast ("American IPA fermented with abbey yeast" for example). When the base beer does not conform to any existing style in this guideline, brewer may indicate "out of existing style". Beer entries not accompanied by this information will be at a disadvantage during judging.

  • Original Gravity (°Plato) : Varies with underlying style
  • Apparent Extract/Final Gravity (°Plato) : Varies with underlying style
  • Alcohol by Weight (Volume) : Varies with underlying style
  • Bitterness (IBU) : Varies with underlying style
  • Color SRM (EBC) : Varies with underlying style



  • 初期比重 (プラート度):ベースにしたビアスタイルに基づく
  • 最終比重 (プラート度):ベースにしたビアスタイルに基づく
  • アルコール度数 :ベースにしたビアスタイルに基づく
  • ビタネス・ユニット:ベースにしたビアスタイルに基づく
  • 色度数:ベースにしたビアスタイルに基づく