14. Rye Beer
14-A. Rye Beer
Rye Beers accept a wide range of color depending on the underlying style. Lighter versions are straw to copper, while darker versions are dark amber to dark brown. Chill haze is acceptable in versions packaged and served without yeast. In versions packaged and servced with yeast, appearance may range from hazy to very cloudy. Rye Beers are often versions of classic styles that contain noticeable rye character in balance with other qualities of beer. Low spicy, fruity esters are typical. Hop aroma and flavor are low to medium-high. Hop bitterness is low to medium. In darker versions, malt aromas and flavors can optionally include low roasted malt character expressed as cocoa/chocolate or caramel. Aromatic toffee or biscuit character may also be present. Low level roastiness, graininess, or tannin astringency is acceptable when balanced with low to medium malt sweetness. Yeast-derived aroma and flavor attributes such as clove-like or other phenolics may be present when consistent with underlying beer style (for example : South German-Style Hefeweizen) . These beers can be fermented with either ale or lager yeast. Grist should include sufficient rye such that rye character is evident in the beer. Rye character is often described as spicy and/or black pepper-like and/or earthy. Beers brewed with rye that do not exhibit rye character should be categorized in other beer styles. Diacetyl should not be present. Body is light to medium. Versions without yeast will not have yeast flavor or full mouthfeel. Versions with yeast will have low to medium yeast aroma and flavor and a full mouthfeel, but the yeast character should not overpower the balance of rye and barley malts, esters and phenolics.To allow for accurate judging the brewer must provide additional information about the entry including the beer style of underlying base beer, and the form of rye and how used ("caramel rye malt in grist" or "10% rye flakes" for example). When the base beer does not conform to any existing style in this guideline, brewer may indicate "out of existing style". Beer entries not accompanied by this information will be at a disadvantage during judging.
- Original Gravity (°Plato) : Varies with underlying style
- Apparent Extract/Final Gravity (°Plato) : Varies with underlying style
- Alcohol by Weight (Volume) : Varies with underlying style
- Bitterness (IBU) : Varies with underlying style
- Color SRM (EBC) : Varies with underlying style
- 初期比重 (プラート度):ベースにしたビアスタイルに基づく
- 最終比重 (プラート度):ベースにしたビアスタイルに基づく
- アルコール度数 :ベースにしたビアスタイルに基づく
- ビタネス・ユニット:ベースにしたビアスタイルに基づく
- 色度数:ベースにしたビアスタイルに基づく
14-B. German-Style Rye Ale
German Rye Ales are pale to very dark, with darker versions ranging from dark amber to dark brown. Chill haze is acceptable in versions packaged and served without yeast. In versions packaged and servced with yeast, appearance may range from hazy to very cloudy. Low to medium banana-like aroma and/or other fruity esters are typical. Clove-like and/or other phenolic aromas and flavors should also be present. Hop aroma and flavor are not present. Hop bitterness is very low to low. Grist should include at least 30 percent rye malt. In darker versions, malt aromas and flavors can optionally include low roasted malt character expressed as cocoa/chocolate or caramel. Aromatic toffee or biscuit character may also be present. Malt sweetness can vary from low to medium. Low level roast malt astringency is acceptable when balanced with low to medium malt sweetness. Diacetyl should not be present. Body is light to medium. Versions without yeast will not have yeast flavor or full mouthfeel. Versions with yeast will have low to medium yeast aroma and flavor and a full mouthfeel, but the yeast character should not overpower the balance of rye and barley malts, esters and phenolics.
- Original Gravity (°Plato) : 1.047-1.056 (11.7-13.8 °Plato)
- Apparent Extract/Final Gravity (°Plato) : 1.008-1.016 (2.1-4.1 °Plato)
- Alcohol by Weight (Volume) : 3.9%-4.4% (4.9%-5.5%)
- Bitterness (IBU) : 10-15
- Color SRM (EBC) : 4-25 (8-50 EBC)
- 初期比重 (プラート度):1.047-1.056 (11.7-13.8)
- 最終比重 (プラート度):1.008-1.016 (2.1-4.1)
- アルコール度数 :4.9-5.5% ABV
- ビタネス・ユニット:10-15 IBU
- 色度数:4-25 SRM (8-50 EBC)