77-B. Scottish-Style Heavy Ale

Scottish Heavy Ales are amber to dark brown. Chill haze is acceptable. Fruity-ester aromas are low if evident. Hop aroma and flavor are not perceived. Hop bitterness is low but perceptible. Scottish Heavy is dominated by a smooth, balanced sweet maltiness; in addition it will have a medium degree of malty, caramel-like, soft and chewy character in flavor and mouthfeel. Yeast characters such as diacetyl and sulfur are acceptable at very low levels. Bottled versions may contain higher amounts of carbon dioxide than is typical for mildly carbonated draft versions. Body is medium.

Original Gravity (°Plato) : 1.035-1.040 (8.8-10.0 °Plato)
Apparent Extract/Final Gravity (°Plato) : 1.010-1.014 (2.6-3.6 °Plato)
Alcohol by Weight (Volume) : 2.8%-3.2% (3.5%-4.0%)
Bitterness (IBU) : 12-20
Color SRM (EBC) : 8-30 (16-60 EBC)

77-B. スコティッシュスタイル・ヘビーエール


初期比重 (プラート度) : 1.035-1.040 (8.8-10.0 °Plato)
最終比重 (プラート度) : 1.010-1.014 (2.6-3.6 °Plato)
アルコール度数 : 3.5-4.0% ABV
ビタネス・ユニット : 12-20 IBU
色度数 : 8-30 SRM (16-60 EBC)
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