52. Köln-Style Kölsch (Koeln-Style Koelsch)

Kölschs are straw to gold. Chill haze is not acceptable. Good, dense head retention is desirable. Fruity-ester aroma should be absent or present at very low levels. Light pear-apple-Riesling wine-like fruitiness may be apparent, but is not necessary for this style. Hop aroma and flavor are low and should express noble hop character. Hop bitterness is medium to medium-high. Malt character is a very low to low with soft sweetness. Caramel character should not be evident. Body is light to medium-light; it is slightly dry on the palate, yet crisp. Diacetyl should not be perceived. Wheat can be used in brewing this beer. Ksch is fermented at warmer temperatures compared to typical lager temperatures but at lower temperatures than most English and Belgian ales, then aged at cold temperatures (German ale or alt-style beer). Ale yeast is used for fermentation, though lager yeast is sometimes used in the bottle or final cold conditioning process.

Original Gravity (°Plato) : 1.042-1.048 (10.5-11.9 °Plato)
Apparent Extract/Final Gravity (°Plato) : 1.006-1.010 (1.6-2.6 °Plato)
Alcohol by Weight (Volume) : 3.8%-4.2% (4.8%-5.3%)
Bitterness (IBU) : 22-30
Color SRM (EBC) : 3-6 (6-12 EBC)

52. ケルンスタイル・ケルシュ


初期比重 (プラート度) : 1.042-1.048 (10.5-11.9 °Plato)
最終比重 (プラート度) : 1.006-1.010 (1.6-2.6 °Plato)
アルコール度数 : 4.8-5.3% ABV
ビタネス・ユニット : 22-30 IBU
色度数 : 3-6 SRM (6-12 EBC)
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