69. Classic English-Style Pale Ale

English Pale Ales are gold to copper colored. Chill haze may be evident only at very cold temperatures. Fruity-ester flavors are moderate to strong. Hop aroma and flavor are medium to medium-high. Earthy and herbal English-variety hop character is the perceived end, but may be a result of the skillful use of hops of other national origins. Hop bitterness is medium to medium-high. Low to medium malt aroma and flavor are present, and low caramel character is allowable. Diacetyl can be absent or may be perceived at very low levels. Body is medium.

Original Gravity (°Plato) : 1.040-1.056 (10.0-13.8 °Plato)
Apparent Extract/Final Gravity (°Plato) : 1.008-1.016 (2.1-4.1 °Plato)
Alcohol by Weight (Volume) : 3.5%-4.2% (4.4%-5.3%)
Bitterness (IBU) : 20-40
Color SRM (EBC) : 5-12 (10-24 EBC)

69. クラシック・イングリッシュスタイル・ペールエール


初期比重 (プラート度) : 1.040-1.056 (10.0-13.8 °Plato)
最終比重 (プラート度) : 1.008-1.016 (2.1-4.1 °Plato)
アルコール度数 : 4.4%-5.3%
ビタネス・ユニット : 20-40
色度数 : 5-12 (10-24 EBC)
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